How to be more productive and achieve your goals in mindset muscle and money for entrepreneurs

Evolutionary Energy: How To Be More Productive In 3 Steps

Long ago, our ancestors had a secret trick to make them super focused, energetic, and productive — even when they were really tired. They accidentally discovered it because they needed to. But guess what? You can use this secret on purpose and get three days’ worth of work done in just one day!

Imagine this: You’re at your desk, working for hours and hours. But then something happens. Your body feels all weird and uncomfortable, like you’ve been sitting forever. It’s like an “ugh” feeling.

Your back gets all knotted up, and you can’t sit still. So you bend down, touch your toes, or rub your back, trying to feel better.

But here’s the cool part: Science has a way to fix this! You don’t have to be stuck sitting all day, feeling tired. You can actually make yourself feel better and do more work!

No, it’s not about magic coffee or special naps. It’s not a phone app or a robot helper. It’s about using an amazing trick that your brain knows from a long time ago. This trick is like a superpower that can help you work better.

Think about climbing a mountain. The higher you go without a break, the harder it gets. But if you take a different path, it feels easier, even though the mountain is the same size.

Let’s go back about 250,000 years. Imagine you’re an early human, walking in a big desert. You’ve been walking for days and you’re super tired.

Your brain thinks, “No new stuff here. Just sand.” So it slows down to save energy. But then, you find an amazing oasis! Trees, water, everything!

Your brain goes, “Wow, new things! Maybe food and water here!” And it sends out good feelings like focus and motivation.

Fast forward to today. Even though you’re not in a desert, your brain still works the same way. When you sit in one place for a long time, your brain gets tired and bored.

But if you stand up, move around, or change where you work, your brain gets excited. It’s like you found an oasis! You become more awake and smarter at solving problems.

Here’s another thing: Changing your position or where you work helps your brain feel less tired. It’s like pushing a reset button!

So, how do you do this?

Step 1: Make your main work area good for sitting, standing, and walking. A standing desk helps you focus and be faster. Also, standing is healthy for your body and mind.

Step 2: Change where you work! You need three different places. It’s like having secret spots for different tasks. This helps you get into the “flow” and work better.

Step 3: When you feel tired or work is hard, change how you’re sitting or where you’re working. This makes your brain super happy and helps you get more work done.

And that’s how you become more productive and increase your energy throughout the day!

By changing things up, you can create environments that support your productivity, helping you to take more action towards your goals, so you get more done whilst feeling awesome!

I’d love to hear what you have to to increase energy and focus whilst increasing productivity. Share them with me in the comments.

If you have questions, please drop those in the comments below, too.


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